Saturday, June 16, 2007

DisplayCase-Week 3, thing 5

Originally uploaded by myclsc
Flickr is a wonderful tool to share pictures with friends and family. You can get feedback almost immediately.I liked this activity and I still needed lots of help. I really did not want to open a new e-mail account but it is necessary.

This is the picture I took for exercise B. Our round display case has been in use for over 20 years. It has taken many "hits" literally from little children. It has been used for many types of displays such as educational concerns and seasonal collector's items.

I am in charge of seeing that the display case is booked with appropriate presentations. This can be lots of fun and educational for me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Week 1

Thing 2.

After viewing 7 1/2 habits I know the hardest habit for me is viewing problems as challenges. I just want to resolve the problem right away and move on, I find it frustrating. I think I will find "play" the easiest if we all have the same definition of play.

Getting Started

I found this exercise a little exasperating. I have never "blogged" before. If I didn't have the help of Felicia I would be lost. Youth have the advantage in this technology world. Perhaps this will get easier, it's good to have techie mentors!